Content starts here Physical Data Service from a Java Function - Example Code
This page last changed on Mar 24, 2008.

Physical Data Service from a Java Function - Example Code

This topic provides examples showing the use of imported Java functions in an XQuery and the processing of complex types.

Using a Function Returning an Array of Java Primitives

As an example, the Java function getRunningTotal can be defined as follows:

public static float[] getRunningTotal(float[] list) {
   if (null == list || 1 >= list.length)
      return list;
   for (int i = 1; i < list.length; i++) {
      list[i] = list[i-1] + list[i];
   return list;

The corresponding XQuery for executing the above function is as follows:

Declare namespace f1="ld:javaFunc/float"
Let $y := (2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0)
Let $x := f1:getRunningTotal($y)
Return $x

The results of the query is as follows:

2.0, 6.0, 12.0, 20.0, 30.0

Processing complex types represented via XMLBeans

Consider a schema called Customer (customer.xsd), as shown in the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
   <xs:schema targetNamespace="ld:xml/cust:/BEA_BB10000" xmlns:xs="">
   <xs:element name="CUSTOMER">
            <xs:element name="FIRST_NAME" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1"/>
            <xs:element name="LAST_NAME" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1"/>

You could compile the schema using XMLBeans to generate a Java class corresponding to the types in the schema.


For more information, see

Following this, you can use the CUSTOMER element as shown in the following:

public static xml.cust.beaBB10000.CUSTOMERDocument.CUSTOMER[]
      getCustomerListGivenCustomerList(xml.cust.beaBB10000.CUSTOMERDocument.CUSTOMER[] ipListOfCust)
      throws XmlException {
   xml.cust.beaBB10000.CUSTOMERDocument.CUSTOMER [] mylocalver = pListOfCust;
   return mylocalver;

The resulting metadata information produced by the New Physical Data Service wizard will be:

(::pragma function <f:function xmlns:f="" kind="datasource" access="public">
<param nativeType="[Lxml.cust.beaBB10000.CUSTOMERDocument$CUSTOMER;"/>

declare function f1:getCustomerListGivenCustomerList($x1 as element(t1:CUSTOMER)*) as element(t1:CUSTOMER)* external;

The corresponding XQuery for executing the above function is:

declare namespace f1 = "ld:javaFunc/CUSTOMER";
let $z := (
validate(<n:CUSTOMER xmlns:n="ld:xml/cust:/BEA_BB10000"><FIRST_NAME>John2</FIRST_NAME><LAST_NAME>Smith2</LAST_NAME>

validate(<n:CUSTOMER xmlns:n="ld:xml/cust:/BEA_BB10000"><FIRST_NAME>John2</FIRST_NAME><LAST_NAME>Smith2</LAST_NAME>

validate(<n:CUSTOMER xmlns:n="ld:xml/cust:/BEA_BB10000"><FIRST_NAME>John2</FIRST_NAME><LAST_NAME>Smith2</LAST_NAME>

validate(<n:CUSTOMER xmlns:n="ld:xml/cust:/BEA_BB10000"><FIRST_NAME>John2</FIRST_NAME><LAST_NAME>Smith2</LAST_NAME>

for $zz in $z
Document generated by Confluence on Apr 28, 2008 15:54